Permanent Appointment of CEO annouced
Permanent appointment of Chief Executive Office – Paul Shanks
Permanent appointment of Chief Executive Office – Paul Shanks
Staff Newsletter - October edition
Official Opening of KLA Sports Suite by James Wild MP - 11th October 2021
Education Officer vacancy
Staff Newsletter
Following the conclusion of a robust process, the Trust Board is pleased to confirm the appointment of Paul Shanks as Acting Chief Executive with effect from the 1st April 2021.
Paul, as many of you aware is currently the Director of Primary Education at the Trust and we have witnessed at first hand his dedication and motivation in transforming outcomes for children. Over the next month Paul will work closely with Alan on handover and transition arrangements.
We are confident that Paul is best placed to lead the Trust forward and one of the first actions will be engaging with you all on the strategy work that the Board has been leading on in recent months.
As Chair of the Board of Trustees I remain resolute that together we are stronger as we continue to face into the pandemic and achieve our strategic aims of continuous school improvement, having a positive impact in the communities that we operate, being an employer of choice and doing the right thing for our people and ultimately the children that we serve.
You have all worked relentlessly to this end in a difficult and uncertain time, there is a faint light at the end of the tunnel to this uncertainty, we would like to thank everyone for their terrific support and hard work over the last 12 months. It has been an incredible year and the dedication of the teams at each academy and centrally has been outstanding.
Julie Perry, Chair Board of Trustees, EMAT
22nd February 2021