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Consultation on Proposal to add an Alternative Provision Centre at King’s Lynn Academy, Queen Mary Road, Gaywood, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, from 1st September 2024.

Eastern Multi-Academy Trust would like to hear your views on our proposal for King’s Lynn Academy to formalise its Forward Step provision into a 32 place Alternative Provision Centre (AP Centre) from 1st September 2024.

Our proposed AP Centre will be located on the school site where our current ‘Forward Step’ provision is established to create an enabling environment for learners in a bespoke accommodation base.

The proposal will also be supported by a recurrent funding agreement to support a specialist staffing structure for the AP Centre, including resources, equipment and running costs associated with the Centre.

The proposed AP Centre will provide places for pupils at King’s Lynn Academy and pupils at agreed local schools as part of Norfolk County Council’s plan to create additional alternative provision across Norfolk. Any new provision within the programme will grow to full capacity once established by supporting pupils who would benefit from attending the AP Centre.

AP Centres are specialist learning centres which support pupils who require additional support in order to successfully attend and learn in mainstream schools. The AP Centre will have dedicated and specialist staff as well as drawing upon specialist teaching expertise from King’s Lynn Academy’s core teaching team. All costs are funded by Norfolk County Council.

The aim of an AP Centres is to provide a learning area which is calm and purposeful.

Pupils will attend the AP Centre on a temporary basis for up to one year. Once they are ready to, they will return and re-integrate to their own school. The places at the AP Centre do not form part of the school published admission number (PAN) and are registered in addition to that number. Students will remain on the roll of their home school throughout their placement.

Whilst the AP Centre provides additional placements to the published admission number for King’s Lynn Academy, it will be run and managed by the academy.

The school will be holding a drop in event on Monday 20th May between 4pm and 5pm, where you can come and find out more about this proposal.

Please register to take part in our consultation event by emailing 

If you unable to attend this event but would like to comment on our proposal, you can have your say by: Accessing our online survey;

Responses should be submitted by 12 noon, Friday 24th May, 2024 please.

Eastern Multi-Academy Trust will consider all the responses received during this consultation and decide whether to complete a business case and send it to the Regional Director for a decision.